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10km Nordic Walking Challenge

10km Nordic Walking Challenge

Get outdoors and closer to nature in “the loveliest spot that man hath ever found”

Launched in 2012, the 10km Nordic Walk has been so well supported that we are delighted to offer this event again as part of the Grasmere Gallop. So please come along and enjoy a brilliant nordic walking day out in the Lakes.

All 10km Nordic Walk Challenge finishers receive the bespoke Grasmere Gallop wooden medal, free event photographs and more importantly cake…

Saturday 1st June 2024 11:30am £30.00

N.B. Please remember when entering, to select the 10km Nordic Walk course as opposed to the 10km trail run course.

Entries are now closed.

What is Nordic Walking?

Nordic Walking is a fitness technique that enhances ordinary walking by using poles to increase the use of the upper body and propelling the walker along. Nordic Walking was developed as an ideal form of exercise for Cross Country Skiers to keep fit during Summer months.

What are the benefits?

  • Tones the upper and lower body at the same time
  • Uses 90% of the skeletal muscles
  • Burns up to 46% more calories than ordinary walking
  • Reduces the pressure on knees and joints
  • Great for the Heart and Lungs
  • Ideal for neck, shoulder and back problems

What’s the technique?

The Nordic Walking pole is planted at a 45’ angle, where the natural fall of an extended arm would be, thereby propelling the body forward as pressure is put on the pole through the strap.

There is a very gentle grip on the pole allowing the walker to guide the pole, to avoid trips, whilst the shoulder and upper body does the work, via the specifically designed Nordic Walking strap.

Nordic Walking technique must be learnt correctly if the walker is to get the most out of the activity. Instructors can help you achieve the technique easily using specifically designed Nordic Walking poles.

Nordic Walking is perfect to help you power around a challenge such as our 10k Nordic Walk, using the Nordic Walking Speed Technique.  It is imperative to stick to the Nordic Walking technique and not break into a run if entering this challenge.  Of course there is a competitive element, so the trick is to expend every ounce of energy you have, without breaking into a run.

Grasmere Gallop 10km Nordic Walking Challenge Route

10km Nordic Walking Challenge

You can download the route GPX here.

The event takes place on the 1st/2nd June 2024

Supported by

Retail Partner

Pete Bland Sports

Sports Nutrition Sponsor

Mountain Fuel